a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
23 October 2003
21 October 2003
16 October 2003
Israel think Microsoft is a monopoly? Yes, but even more, they take action. The Israeli Ministry of Commerce has suspended all governmental contracts with Microsoft, and indicated that the ban will last throughout 2004.
15 October 2003
10 October 2003
using the Shift key on your computer is illegal, am i insane or what?
take this with a grain of salt (is humor), but is not very far from true
take this with a grain of salt (is humor), but is not very far from true
09 October 2003
Eolas Technologies has filed a motion to stop Microsoft from distributing its IE software.
All this software patents is a craze, but this time at least maybe they will hit Microsoft badly.
All this software patents is a craze, but this time at least maybe they will hit Microsoft badly.
06 October 2003
prepare yourself to see Microsoft and Windows in as many movies as possible (possible by the budget)