a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
21 October 2004
23 September 2004
shameless plug again
is time to advertise again one of my pages, this time is a T-Shirt samples one, see what kind of material contains:
22 September 2004
30 July 2004
05 July 2004
02 July 2004
25 June 2004
24 June 2004
22 June 2004
14 June 2004
Cartoon Wallpapers
Some nice (IMO) OppenOffice.org related cartoon wallpapers - featuring Otto "The Drunken Seagull" and other, like: Tux, Clippy, Recycle Bin, Windows logo and The Mighty Sun.
21 May 2004
12 May 2004
07 May 2004
Partners in crime
just a quote from Red Hat's community relations manager "Does that mean we're ready to wrestle the convicted monopolist head on, replete with their new partners in crime at Sun?"
i tend to agee with him about the partners
i tend to agee with him about the partners
05 May 2004
04 May 2004
Romanian OpenOffice.org blog - warning: Romanian means:
a) written in Romanian
b) intended for Romanian audience
a) written in Romanian
b) intended for Romanian audience
26 April 2004
02 April 2004
messenger troubles
release frenzy: at least, was released a long awaited new stable release of Gaim, 0.76, with Y!M working
24 March 2004
03 March 2004
26 February 2004
11 February 2004
29 January 2004
28 January 2004
19 January 2004
Bianca's website is already in the second version, with new buttons and a lot of other minor changes. is a neverending work in progress?