23 September 2004

shameless plug again

is time to advertise again one of my pages, this time is a T-Shirt samples one, see what kind of material contains:

22 September 2004


wow - is more than one year since my first post on this blog

30 July 2004

02 July 2004

Cartoons all the way

Some cartoons at my website. Enjoy. Say if you like it, it may grow.

25 June 2004

One day later

good job, Gaim is working again with Y!M (at least is working for now)

24 June 2004

Fsck Yahoo

yes, they did it again.
i only hope they will die a horrible death

22 June 2004

Freedom Fighters

IMO, those dutch guys are real Freedom Fighters! More power to them!

14 June 2004

Cartoon Wallpapers

Some nice (IMO) OppenOffice.org related cartoon wallpapers - featuring Otto "The Drunken Seagull" and other, like: Tux, Clippy, Recycle Bin, Windows logo and The Mighty Sun.

21 May 2004


let's try a post with Gnome-Blog

12 May 2004


new improvement in Blogger - now we can have comments

07 May 2004

Partners in crime

just a quote from Red Hat's community relations manager "Does that mean we're ready to wrestle the convicted monopolist head on, replete with their new partners in crime at Sun?"
i tend to agee with him about the partners

05 May 2004


[shameless plug]
grace to PlanetPlanet this weblog is agregated now in Planet Nicu
[/shamless plug]

04 May 2004

Romanian OpenOffice.org blog - warning: Romanian means:
a) written in Romanian
b) intended for Romanian audience

26 April 2004


now i have an email account at Google's Gmail

02 April 2004

messenger troubles

release frenzy: at least, was released a long awaited new stable release of Gaim, 0.76, with Y!M working

24 March 2004

this is a great week: Gnome 2.6 will be released at the end of the week, GIMP 2.0 released today and the cherry on top: Microsoft fined by the EU!
any more god news?

26 February 2004

11 February 2004

time to talk about some litigious bastards or just plain bastards

19 January 2004

Bianca's website is already in the second version, with new buttons and a lot of other minor changes. is a neverending work in progress?
what the heck? you can't have a website with your own name without being sued?