22 May 2005

One potato, two potatos...

When I say the South Park character generator I said "I must make something similar".
This week my hard disk crashed so I had to buy a new one. Having plenty of free space I performed a full install and after a very long time the "Potato Guy" game was installed on the computer. This was to much, I fired up Inkscape and draw this:

I think is nice, here are some faces created with it:

Next step is to find some use for it, like submitting to OCAL. I would like to find someone able and willing to make a GNOME Potato Guy game with those images, because I'm certainly not able do do it myself.

PS: BRIBE -> if someone want to make the game, I promise to at least two additional graphic sets.

Update: pieces from this image are available in my Public Domain SVG clipart collection (see galleries like "clothes" or "people").

18 May 2005

Java stuff

Considering all the fuss around the increased dependency on Java introduced in OpenOffice.org, this is my [wishful thinking] take on it:
gcj gives java the finger

17 May 2005

Searching for clipart

Is a shame that using the Creative Commons search engine, the first result is NOT openclipart.org but other obscure page instead. I guess I should update my commoncontent.org page to reflect the "new" URL instead.
Searcing with Yahoo CC will produce Sodipodi flags page as the first result, OCAL as the second but my page on the 5-th place, but this time with the other address.

On the same note, in the commoncontent.org catalog are two pages, one for Etiquette Icons and another for SVG Flags Collections, maybe thosw two could be updated to new locations.

05 May 2005


Day after day I become more convinced that Sun really doesn't really understand Open Source.
Take this message as a sample, is about handling RFEs on OpenOffice.org or more exactly about the RFE system not working and being ignored by Sun.

note: NLC means Native Language Confederation and is composed exclusively by volunteers doing localization, user support in various languages and marketing on local communities.

second note: SVG support in OOo is one of those RFEs having 213 votes in their tracking system, but about a year ago was cosidered not important enough to be a priority.

Here are some extracts:

It was understood by all that as Sun largely determines the shape of SO/OOo (OOo being the same codebase as SO), that we would have to negotiate with Sun marketing directly.
We all want to include more of the community in deciding OOo's shape and roadmap. Equally, we also recognize the need of structure for any such inclusion. Because discussions on OOo affect StarOffice, and vice versa, we must approach the issue of including community input very early on carefully. NDAs may very well be needed for discussions that involve StarOffice marketing. StarOffice is of course a proprietary application and its
roadmap and future is a thing of competitive interest.

Meanwhile, OOo's efforts to systematize community interest in enhancements (RFEs) has stalled, as many are probably aware, though we are trying to get things going again. We made some attempts in this
regard late last year but lack of interest and meaningful progress (and the holidays) arrested that development.
Second, and this proposal can work within #1 above, we discussed a model where representatives of the NLC leads might meet directly with StarOffice marketing and product management leads. The idea is to represent to SO product management the desires of the NLC users. As mentioned above, representative leads may have to sign NDAs with Sun, as they would be discussing proprietary information with the company.

01 May 2005

Internet Explorer

Fascinated by the theme created by Seth Nickell for pgo I created my own [rip-off] version, which I found pretty (this is a static snapshoot).
Unfortunately, because of bad CSS support, in Internet Explorer the layout looks borked (but still readable).

Normal rendering:

IE's borked version:

Well, I don't find myself compelled by the idea to recreate the layout using tables to get it rendered on sub-par browsers.