a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
23 February 2012
About ACTA
17 February 2012
FOSDEM 2012 photo dump
This thime the Fedora group booth was weak and the group... heterogeneous, barely acting as a group, so for the big finale we didn't even get a group picture, the best finale I can offer is this sunset from the last conference day (as you expect, many of the geeks there didn't noticed it).
05 February 2012
On why GNOME got to suck so badly
Contributor communities @FOSDEM
Right now I am sitting in the room 1301 of the H building of the ULB at FOSDEM 2012 and watching the Working with contributor communities round table, which is moderated by Cristoph, which tries to be as impartial as possible:
On behalf of Fedora (other represented distros are, from left to right, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Debian, Mageia and Gentoo I believe) we have Joerg speaking:
FOSDEM fanservice
I got a couple of personal requests, so I cannot disappoint my fans, fulfilling their inquiries now. One was for a picture of the official FOSDEM T-shirt design for this year (this is a tradition for the conference, to come every year with a completely new design):
The other one was for a photo of the Debian booth, which happens to be this year one of the busiest, being fillet with a lot of merchandise, mostly nice T-shirts. Too bad I don't see the Debian wine any more...
And being a nasty person, I will complete the circle with a picture of the wasteland at our own Fedora booth: