a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
number 2, no1 looks way to clutterd for my taste (but then people say that I have no taste buds so...)
I like #1. It's more colorful and fun. :)
no. 2. Number 1 looks inconsistent to me.
number2, bu you should add some white parts inside the bug and the spary to accentuate concistency.
Number 2.Totally. The message gets across better!
numarul 2, dar mai coloreaza`l putin
number 2, no1 looks way to clutterd for my taste (but then people say that I have no taste buds so...)
ReplyDeleteI like #1. It's more colorful and fun. :)
ReplyDeleteno. 2. Number 1 looks inconsistent to me.
ReplyDeletenumber2, bu you should add some white parts inside the bug and the spary to accentuate concistency.
ReplyDeleteNumber 2.
ReplyDeleteTotally. The message gets across better!
numarul 2, dar mai coloreaza`l putin