03 November 2006

Painting aircrafts, blog search, free fonts, evolution

Painting aircrafts with Inkscape

I work as sysadmin in a small aviation company, so my job usually involve very little graphic creation, I have to do it mainly in my spare time. But these days I had a good opportunity: had to simulate painting an aircraft as a preview for one of our customers, so I followed tigert's steps and did it with Inkscape:

Just for kicks, here is the outline view:

Unfortunately, I don't have enough rights over the initial photo, or else I would add more polish to it (blur filters and stuff) and submit it an a screenshot/showcase for Inkscape.

Also, for a long time I did very little graphics on my own, so being somewhat "forced" to do this was a kind of unexpected.

Blog searches

Is not good for web searches of your blog to have your name corresponding with an English word, in my case Newborn Intensive Care Unit, but I still tried is, here is the result of a Google search for "nicu blog":

Is not that bad: my blog is not the first result, but is in the middle of the first page. I guess I am not yet that evil to start fighting newborns :p

Free fonts

We got the idea a long time ago on the Open Clip Art Library mailing list: the contributions seems to be very high, people are unexpectedly wanting to contribute free content. So we can try to expand to other areas, like fonts. As a consequence, we founded the Open Font Library project, but as we all had our hands full working on various other projects, put it in "sleep" mode, waiting for the right time to push it.
And it seems the right time is now.

The project is gaining traction: new contributors arrived, traffic on the mailing list is booming, the website backend was migrated to ccHost, people are uploading fonts.
Of course, new contributors are invited to come.


No, this is not about that Evolution, is about my personal evolution.

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