29 October 2007

Fedora Certificate of Authenticity

Based upon an Ubuntu design (thangs guys for making it GPL) here is the Fedora Certificate of Authenticity your computer case is waiting for:
[fedora certificate of authenticity]
SVG source included

note: I changed the fonts to better match our branding and converted text to path.


  1. Ahah nice one. Gonna print it and put it on my laptop :)

  2. Do you want us to buy color printers and to fight with labels and self-sticking paper? Aargh... nobody offers custom labels at an affordable price, they way you can get Linux CDs from various places...

  3. You are correct, I raised myself this issue on the Fedora marketing list some time ago when we talked about such stuff (not only stickers, but t-shirts also)

  4. Nicu,
    Maybe you should raise the issue again.
    Here's what *can* be done and what Brazilian people *can* buy and use, but we can't:
    Notebook sticker
    Lapel pin
    Round sticker

    There must be a way.

  5. There is a motivational problem: I could easily set a CafePress shop with stuff (stickers, mouse pads, mugs). people in the US will be happy with it but for me it would be overkill to buy from there, due to shipping costs.
    In fact the sipping cost prohibit such a global operation, in the end the best option is to get them produced locally and for me (and for you too) "locally" means Romania...

  6. Upon first look, it seemed like you rearranged the word "fedora" + the logo, which according to the wiki page is a violation. However, my guess is that you separated them enough to visually detach them and thus not a violation. Did you manage to get out of violation? The only reason I'm asking this is because in the IRC room I was telling someone that they can't rearrange and he changed his design for his own Fedora certificate thing.

  7. I am not a legal expert or branding expert, I used what I would call "common sense".
    If I'll get complains, will correct them ASAP.

  8. Nicu,
    CafePress kinda sucks, but it's not always expensive to ship overseas -- think of The Linux Store, who has good rates, but it doesn't offer any swag.

    There is also a French online store, unfortunately they don't ship outside France :(

    See Sticker Portable powered by Fedora.

  9. Love it!

    Can you tell me what font you used for
    the actual "serial number", the pixelized

  10. I just got a quotation like this:
    Shape : Rectangle
    Size : 4.0 x 1.75 (4" x 1 3/4")
    Corners : Rounded (0.125" corner radius)
    Material : WHITE BOPP (Removable)
    Laminate : High Gloss
    Number of Versions : 1

    Quantity #1 ( 1000 ) - Total Price : $349.05 ($0.349 each)
    Quantity #2 ( 2000 ) - Total Price : $428.91 ($0.214 each)
    Quantity #3 ( 3000 ) - Total Price : $508.77 ($0.170 each)
    Quantity #4 ( 4000 ) - Total Price : $587.45 ($0.147 each)
    Quantity #5 ( 5000 ) - Total Price : $666.14 ($0.133 each)

    The prices are low and attractive, but I don't have any need for such quantities, even 100 would be too much...

  11. ralph, the sont is Silkscreen and is free to use: http://www.kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/

  12. now we have the store SIG which is interested in collecting data about such providers.
