02 October 2007

GIMP is user firendly

You know how everybody loves to hate GIMP and its user interface, this is why I am surprised to see such a reaction: I posted on YouTube a short screencast about the new Healing Tool in GIMP 2.4 and got an enhusiastic comment from someone
I've just converted to GIMP and love it more than Photoshop. I feel like I have more control.

Is not the usual reply you get from Photoshop users!


  1. Nicu,
    Just wanted to thank you for your constant GIMP/Inkscape articles (and the video...didn't know about the healing brush!). I greatly enjoy reading them, and I have actually used your advice on many occasions! Please keep up the good work!


  2. What's up with the with the "healing brush"? It looks just like the clone tool to me.

  3. Is similar but not the same: the clone tool replace the destination with pixels from the target area, but the heal tool will average those values and create a smooth result.

  4. The healing brush doesn't work as well for me as the photoshop equivalent. Could it be because I'm using RC1 on Ubuntu?

    How I would rather the tool work is for me to be able to hold the button down and color in large blemishes if need be, but that's not how it works for me. The healing brush only works if the spot I'm healing is smaller than my brush and I can cover the spot in one click.

  5. I dont' know about Photoshop, I don't use it.
    AFAIK, the healing tool wasn't modified from RC1 to final (and my screencast is made with RC1 too).

    Sure you can paint with the healing tool, not only with individual spots. As you drag the brush, the source area will move accordingly, just like the clone tool.
    And you can select different brush sizes.

  6. Unfortunately you're right. I went ahead anyway and installed the most recent version and still the healing brush doesn't work so well. It works ok if you have a spot that is dark on something light. The speckles on the girl's face being a good example.

    And even then if you do too much dragging there are strange artifacts left behind by the tool.

    How the tool should work is that if the brush is smaller than the region you're trying to heal away, you should be able to drag the cursor around and essentially fill the region as if you were painting over it. When releasing the mouse button, the healing should kick in completely and heal the region.

    If you're curious how the photoshop version works, take a look at this video:

    Notice how the tutorial drags over scratches on the guy's face, not just clicks on little dots.

  7. You may want to contribute constructive feedback about the healing tool to the GIMP developers so they can learn and improve it.

  8. I created a bug report for this last night. I'm hoping someone sees fit to address it.
