10 October 2007

OpenOffice.org in limba romana (translations)

I usually don't do this, but here is an bilingual post:

[ro]Localizarea in limba romana a OpenOffice.org a pornit acum vreo doi ani cu mare entuziasm si chiar un maraton in cursul caruia intr-o singura zi s-au tradus circa 15% din stringuri. Din pacate interesul a scazut foarte repede, contributiile pe masura, activitatea s-a impotmolit.

Sarind peste acest istoric mohorit, iata o geana de lumina: un nou coordonator al echipei de localizare, Alexandru Szasz (cunoscut si pentru localizarea Fedora in limba romana), o noua interfata, entuziasm innoit, energii in crestere, se pare ca lucrurile se urnesc din nou (planurile lui Alexandru sint ambitioase, isi propune traducerea interfetei grafice pina in februarie).

Cei care doresc sa contribuie sint asteptati la www.alexxed.com/traduceri/main.php, unde intr-o interfata web se poate lucra in stil wiki, fara login sau alte bariere: intrati in "Open Office 2.x", alegeti termeni netradusi si completati cu propria versiune. Mai multe amanunte in anuntul initial sau direct pe lista de mail a proiectului (dev AT ro.openoffice.org).

[en]The Romanian localization of OpenOffice.org started with greath enthusiasm a couple of years ago, even with a translation marathon when in a single day about 15% of the strings got translated. Unfortunately, the interest slowed down shortly along with contributions, the activity stalled.

Fast forwarding over thsi gloomy history, here is a hope of light: a new localization team coordinator, Alexandru Szasz (known also for the Romanian Fedora localization), a new interfata, renewed enthusiasm, growing energies, it look like the things start again (Alexandru's plans are ambitious, he propose the GUI translation until February).

Those wanting to contribute are welcomed at www.alexxed.com/traduceri/main.php, where in a web interface they can work wiki-style, with no login or other barriers: enter in "Open Office 2.x", find some untranslated words and add your own version. More details are avaialble on the initial announcement or directly on the project mailing list (dev AT ro.openoffice.org).

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