07 November 2007

Release Party. Fedora. Romania

This is a bilingual post, jump directly to the [en] English or [ro] Romanian section:

[ro]Folosind lansarea Fedora 8 drept scuza, comunitatea utilizatorilor Fedora din Romania organizeaza citeva evenimente: deschiderea unui forum si un release party.
Pentru cei care doresc sa participe la party, acesta va avea loc joi 8 noiembrie incepind de la orele 18-19, ultimele amanunte sint in curs de finalizare in cadrul unei discutii deschise in proaspatul nostru forum.

[en]Using the Fedora 8 release as an excuse, the Romanian Fedora din users community have a few events: the launch of a forum and a release party.
If you want to come to the party, it will start Thursday 8 November around 18-19, the last details are still not finalized stay, read more in an open thread from our fresh forum.

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