22 February 2008

I <3 fedora

While I am not an Ambassador (and have no intention to become one) I got this idea from the Ambassadors Wall. One of the ways I see that wall is a big poster made from post-it notes (with various colors, shapes, orientation, written in different languages with different hand fonts) containing personal messages (they may be "real" - scanned, photographed or "fake" made with a graphic application, like mine).
[post-it <3 fedora]

As a natural continuation, it was logical for me to simplify it (and make it look even more childish) and reduce to the size used by our Promo Banners:
[post-it banner <3 fedora]

And if I am silly, why not go all the silliness way and do a custom t-shirt design (probably best suited for enthusiastic users)?
[t-shirt <3 fedora]

(everything has SVG sources available)


  1. cool shirts :D

    in the modern times, where everything is written with as little letters as possible you might do something like:
    I [heart] [fedora logo]

    btw, it's a pity you don't intend to become an ambassador ;)

  2. I almost want to suggest going around and asking what people would want their "sticky note" to say and do that up, and then just create a page where all the "sticky notes" could be posted. Maybe in the future when there isn't so much focus on getting F9 art rolling. I could probably help too if you went through with this.

  3. @blog: I don't want to become an ambassador as my plate is already full (art, marketing, news and more) and I don't have the time and means to make the needed commitment.

    @michael: the "ambassadors wall" is the place where the text for those notes is gathered.
