Recently someone asked me to help him with the configuration (it was absolutely painless) of a cordless Internet/ DECT phone, VOIP841. Is a nice, even if a bit pricey IMO, phone made by Philips, able to call land lines, Skype network (without the need of a PC), use multiple handsets (and have calls between those handsets too)... but enough with the praises, I am not a Philips sales agent.
What I liked the most is that phone runs Linux (I noticed this seeing "Open Source File" on their download page. Cool stuff, Linux is everywhere!
note: and the guy owning it (he bought it by himself and is happy with it) looks funny at me when I mention using Linux...
Ai face bine să-l înştiinţezi pe amicul tău de vulnerabilităţile existente:
Merci de atentionare!
ReplyDeleteDeocamdata se afla in spatele unui firewall, deci cred ca supravietuieste pina iese urmatorul update de firmware.