I got a really good scare from gThumb: take the SD card out of my camera, put it in the computer, open gThumb and import the photos, with the option to delete the card after import. When the import is done, look at the imported directory and notice it had 1024 photos. Naively think about is as an very odd coincidence to see such a "round" number and start the work: a first view of the photoset, to get an idea about what can be published on the web.
And then PANIC! The set ends too early, before some of the most important photos... where did they go? Deleted? PANIC! Rush to the memory card, put it in the PC and what a relief: there are the photos, undeleted, about 165 of them. Stupid gThumb!
As one can easy understand, last weekend, between a food festival with fat and ugly waitresses and a car (tuning) exhibition with Barbie shaped booth babes, I effectively took a ton of photos (a selection available in my flickr account for those interested).
Speaking of Yahoo, for a large number of reasons I feel uncomfortable about putting my photos in its basket, would feel a lot more comfortable with a main gallery, with tons of photos (a lot of them unposted yet), on my capable hosting solution and only a few highlights on flickr, for the social network part. The problem is that I still like flickr's interface the best and I am not happy with any alternative I tried (gallery2 is too complex, zenphoto is too basic and so on). In fact I have a lot of ideas about how the "perfect" gallery is supposed to work, and nothing is close.
But I digress... apparently all ended well, with the photos not really lost, but the weekend's conclusion, learned the hard way, was: never leave the home without your business cards, or at least carry a pen... You learn this when you are asked by the best looking (according with my personal scale) model at the car exhibition and the only thing you are capable to to is to babble something about a search on flickr... Compared to this, the organizer of the food festival proposing to pay for some photos from you is nothing :p (note: this one fell off too, until I realised I had no cards on me, he was called with some urgent business elsewhere).
Well, nothing lost, nothing gained, is not like I expected anything before those events, just to take some photos.
Funny. I hit this "we support only 1024 photos" bug in FC6 and it's still unfixed.
ReplyDeleteYou know what's really "funny"? That nobody complained about this in their bugzilla... not that I would expect anything from such a report with the slow development rate.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think importing with Nautilus is not that bad, so I can go back to that.
"That nobody complained about this in their bugzilla..."
ReplyDeleteI never cared about user space bugs.
BTW. This may be not a bug in their opinion. This is a design decision. You know - something like a maximal filesystem size. Developers decided, that 1024 photos limit should be enough for everyone...
Have you tried 23hq.com? I love how they are way less restrictive than most others (though still, it's not a self-hosted solution...) :)
ReplyDelete@MichaĆ: I can understand it may be a design decision (even if it is a bad one, gThumb is intended to work on *NIX, primarily on ext3, so 1024 files should not be a problem), but then the import dialog should have informed me about that, not lave me think it imported and deleted everything.
ReplyDelete@Vincent: with 23hq I feel even less comfortable, they may not be a target for Microsoft acquisition, but what warranty I have they will still be in business in a couple of years from now?
ReplyDeleteAnd as a community site, it is also weaker, I don't know anybody with an account there. And let's not talk about lack of tools (postr) or restrictions (30 photos a month in the free account).
"(even if it is a bad one, gThumb is intended to work on *NIX, primarily on ext3, so 1024 files should not be a problem)"
ReplyDeleteNo, 1024 files is not a problem for ext3, ext2, xfs, whatever. It's a gThumb problem, because developers wasn't wise enough to set a real life limit - for example 64k or 128k photos (I doubt if anyone can hit this such limit with a standard digital camera ever). I see this problem in many open source programs...
"import dialog should have informed me about that, not lave me think it imported and deleted everything."
That's other problem. Linux user space developers sucks ass...
I'm not joking - just take a look at KDE 4 guys.