a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
03 April 2009
One step closer to eLiberatica
We are one step closer to Fedora's presence at the eLiberatica conference: thanks to Max I just received a box with Fedora 10 Live CD, so we have the first thing to give to our visitors. We are still planning for more bang, join if you want to help.
Nicku! A few weeks ago I was toying with the idea of coming to eLiberatcia, but decided against it. If I had looked at your flicker page sooner I might have decided differently!
Nicku! A few weeks ago I was toying with the idea of coming to eLiberatcia, but decided against it. If I had looked at your flicker page sooner I might have decided differently!