30 November 2009

F13: I voted

Much to my disappointment, among for the naming criteria for Fedora 13, we did NOT have "it must not be a ruler or religious figure" so a lot of obscure kings or emperors were advanced, but a queen is much better than that, more so when we are talking about a queen of the fairies. So my vote for the F13 codename was Gloriana.
vote gloriana

Have you voted yet? If not, then go now and obey your queen!
f13 name


  1. hm... I don't like very much the sound of Fedora 13 Gloriana... and I always choose by how good it sounds to me when I say it together with the Fedora X. This time my highest preference went to Langstrom.

  2. I was totally unfamiliar with the Man-Bat comics, so never heard before about Langstrom.

  3. Langstrom, of course. Gloriana should be normal for elegant Linux Mint, but Fedora look more hard-boiled and needs more raw name in my opinion.
