22 December 2009

Oh, the irony! Take better care of your avatar...

I had the laugh of the day (of the week?) when bmbogdan showed me this:
photo managers lucid

I found it very funny and ironic when you take your current avatar/hackergotchi, delete the Fedora logo from his T-shirt, submit the SVG as Public Domain to the Open Clip Art Library for everyone to use it freely and it ends as an illustration to an article about photo managers in Ubuntu. That's sharing! Lets all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya".

Note: the guy has NOT a happy face, maybe because of the GIMP removal? (he definitely looks like a pro)


  1. this is the story of the week! ;) thanks

  2. So the well beard man is worshiped across planets/galaxyes /time and space and now distros.

  3. i think i just (unwillingly) trojaned ubuntu

  4. Haha that's awesome.. - they really should have added him holding a sign.

  5. haha.. that is very ironic :)
    i found it on clip art search on google

  6. @shredder12: you used the image as intended. still, the world seems to be so small :D

  7. hahahahah MEGA-LOL! the thing is that you're an inter-distro rockstar... :P

  8. Should we tell them the difference between photo managers and image editors? :-)

  9. @dingyichen: a lot of people made this observation on the article's comment so i thought is redundant. the author's idea (and i think he is wrong) is that some photo managers have a few image adjustment features (crop, red eye removal) and those should be enough for most users.

  10. I also think that removing TheGimp in the default installation is a mistake.
    Not only because it's now a flagship free program, but simply because it's more than a simple photo-editor. Even me who is not a professional, I've never used F-spot to edit my photos...
    When I read this, I am glad to be a Fedora user :)

  11. @Anonymous: unfortunately Fedora did this first by removing GIMP from the Desktop spin in F11...

  12. @dingyichen @nicu my main concern was about making small image editing tasks easier and quicker for users. You might agree with me that a major portion of GIMP functionalities are not useful for most of the users and most of the time its difficult for a new user to use GIMP. So, F-spot and few others (as mentioned in the article) were being looked upon as a replacement for those features. I hope I make more sense now.:-)

  13. I understand what you say shredder12, but I think is not far from saying that a major portion of MS Office/OpenOffice.org functionalities are not useful for most of the users and they would be suited just as well with Abiword, still Ubuntu has OOo as default AFAIK. Also, going with photo managers only, would be about the same level with Windows functionality out-of-the-box, I expect better from a Linux distro.

  14. I believe that the logo is still there behind the t-shirt. And yes, you're just trojaned other distro. :-D

  15. @dl: no, i deleted the logo myself before putting the image on openclipart.org
