16 February 2010

Videos from RLUG Meet February: OpenStreetMap

The February edition of the RLUG meets was a bit unusual: the formal part started late and the guys with the projector got stuck in traffic, the main presentation was extra long, in the end we didn't have time for the lightning talks, which were postponed for the next edition.

So our guest was Eddy Petrișor, with a talk about OpenStreetMap, which I captured on video, but having forgot the charger at home, I was able to record only about an hour and 31 minutes (I believe it was at least 15 minutes more). Then for a sane upload and watch, I split the video in 3 parts and put it on blip.tv, which failed me again converting to FLV, so only the Ogg Theora version is available (not that this is a bad thing), so you can watch (in Romanian):
The plan for the next edition (March) so far is to be again unusual, only with lightning talks (8 of them or more) so come to see a more varied programme. Also, register for a talk, we need that too.

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