31 May 2010

LGM 2010, Last Day

The last day of any conference is lighter on content, so that was also the case with Libre Graphics Meeting, but it still had a couple of presentations (albeit, they were not very technical):

And a panel discussion:

And plenties of "thank you" for everybody: participants, speakers, sponsors, crew, etc. (now is my turn to say thanks to Femke and the rest of the team):

And we had a last lunch with the leftover from the previous days (real food, here I come!)

And the conference ended formally with a planning session for the next year:

But of course we said goodbyes, took photos, daid goodbies, shaked hands, said goodbyes, sometime hugged, said goodbyes:

and said goodbyes again for maybe the million time:

And if that was not enough, got in the city for the evening with a new round of goodbyes:

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! So I am the one that need to write the report!... damn.. i will point to your photos :P

    Thanks for the nice company and great time we had!
