25 October 2010

Nijikon 2010

I know a number of people will snub at me for posting and pushing this, but I also have a lot of friends in the community that will enjoy it (some will even be jealous) so while I don't really care about the former, I am a friend for my friends. So here is a short reviews in photos of the Nijikon anime convention that happened the last week-end in Bucharest:

nijikon nijikon nijikon nijikon nijikon nijikon


It was my first time at an anime convention and also the first serious use of my new lens, that many of you will probably meet at various events in the future.

PS: the event had some connection with freedom: many free hugs here offered there (still, not sure if they were free as in freedom or as in free beer, I kept myself away).


  1. omg! is that pedobear?? why is he everywhere?
    Now that i'm becoming a huge fan of anime this is like a present :D

  2. yep, Pedobear and he was quite a star, with a full audience, mostly underage, acclaiming him... "pedo, pedo!!!"

  3. HaHa sooo funneh Pedobear :-j

  4. @Andreea: so... another Pedobear fan?
