11 March 2011

RLUG meet, March 2011

Yesterday we had the March edition of the monthly LUG meet, held again in a room at the Polithnica University of Bucharest, with help from our friends at ROSEdu.

This time it was short, we had only 3 talks, each of them being "lightning" (mine was the longest, at around 12 minutes), so for the next time we need you as a speaker too. The event ended with some traditional pizzas and beers.

The talks covered:


  1. Ma bucur ca exista asemenea comunitati in Romania , nici macar nu stiam de ele . Prolinux pare chiar interesanta. In legatura cu evenimentele cea cu QR codes mi se pare chiar interesanta si ar putea avea cateva aplicatii practice. dar sunetul e cam slab nu se prea intelege . Bravo oricum.

  2. Asta e singura camera video pe care o am deocamdata... poate ca ar trebui sa facem un efort si macar sa vorbim mai tare in timpoul prezentarilor :)
