When talking, a second display showed its desktop for a few seconds and it had the Fedora 15 stripes. I wondered about the combination of an old and a newer system and was advised to wait more and talk with an engineer.
a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
23 July 2012
Fedora radars
Last weekend the Baneasa Bucharest airport (BBU) hosted the yearly edition of the big air show of Bucharest. Aircraft and helicopters offered a spectacle in the air and thousands of people admired them. In addition to that, a nearby hangar was organized for an exhibition with booths and early in the morning, before the show in the sky to start, I gave a tour of the exhibition floor when a complex device in a middle of the Linux boot process caught my attention:
I quickly reached my camera to capture an image of the standard init, when the guy at the booth (for the air traffic systems, radars and such) told me to wait a bit for the system to start and get a better picture. I replied I was interested to see it booting Linux and we chatted a bit, apparently in the last year they migrated all the infrastructure to Linux, coming from Unix. In the meantime it reached the desktop and I saw for a fraction of a second it was Fedora Core 6 (complete with the DNA wallpaper) and when wondered why a 5 years old system is used, I was explained such an old system has all the bugs fixed.
When talking, a second display showed its desktop for a few seconds and it had the Fedora 15 stripes. I wondered about the combination of an old and a newer system and was advised to wait more and talk with an engineer.
Couldn't wait, the things outside started to warm-up, but in the working radar system picture the legend is: on the left a Fedora Core 6 system, on the center and top Windows 7 systems and on the right a Fedora 15 system. I am not a specialist, so can't say what every of them is doing.
When talking, a second display showed its desktop for a few seconds and it had the Fedora 15 stripes. I wondered about the combination of an old and a newer system and was advised to wait more and talk with an engineer.
I like it when big socities or head quaters use linux.
ReplyDeleteIn other world, Fedora is truly a general purpose operating system. The only limit is our imagination =)