a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
16 February 2013
Fedora 18 release party in Bucharest
As promised in yesterday's post, is the time to come back with photos from the Fedora 18 release event that happened today in Bucharest.
Being here for the OSOM conference, Christos Bacharakis, Fedora Ambassador from Greece, with help from ROSEdu and OSOM, organized this event. Myself, I was pretty much a simple attendant.
I have to witness, the participation exceeded my expectation, it peaked at 15 people (including us and the organizers). However, I couldn't abstain myself and asked the audience who is using Fedora: only two hands raised. I think Chris convinced at least a couple more to give it a try.
Since we pretty much knew each other from before, the talk was very open and the event interactive. Chris started with a general presentation on Fedora, the project, goals, governance, joining and such.
With the hackfest, we weren't that lucky: the Raspberry install refused to cooperate, with nobody in the room having access rights to the Romanian section in Transifex we couldn't do translations, but we talked about those topics, explored wikis and websites. Myself, I tried to keep the audience busy a little with some talk about doing graphics while the Raspberry PI image was downloading (the internet connection was spotty).
There was some swag (install DVDs, stickers, pins, buttons) for the audience, but also some extra. So I grabbed the leftovers, a few F18 multi-desktop install DVDs, ready to be given away (also some went to ROSEdu for their students and some to the guys in Cluj).
Those who resisted until the end, we went for some food in a nearby mall afterwards (not pictured).
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