09 October 2013

Linux Install Fest in Politehnica

This Sunday, October 13, ROSEdu will organize in Universitatea Politehnica Bucharest its yearly Linux Install Fest, the biggest event of such type I am aware of in the country (last year there were 118 participants). Its main purpose is to help first year CS university students putting a Linux install on their systems, but LIF is open to everyone. So if you have troubles with your Linux install, no matter if your machine is a laptop or a desktop, Politehnica is the place to be this Sunday.
linux install fest
Myself, I will try to get there for at least a couple of hours, even if I know from the experience the interest on Fedora and Fedora-based systems is low around there.


  1. I've installed Fedora on my system half a year ago and I'm pretty amazed by it. I had a mini-install fest here in Boston and I've installed Fedora to 5 users out of 6 :) One of them even upgraded to the 20-beta version :)

    1. It seems Fedora is more popular in the US compared with Romania (or at least compared with UPB).
      BTW, Red Hat has a big development place near Boston
