09 February 2010

Some FOSDEM 2010 photos

Now that I can see beyond the snow is time to follow the Day -1 with more photos showing what happened during the event.
fosdem 2010

Travelling with a sponsorship from Mozilla (thank you guys a lot!) and being a rabid Fedora fanboy I shared my time between the Mozilla room and the Fedora booth:
fosdem 2010

fosdem 2010

And hanged with people from both communities:
fosdem 2010

fosdem 2010

Also, had the opportunity to take part in a planning for the upcoming Libre Graphics Meeting, where it looks like the Fedora Design Team will have a good presence:
fosdem 2010

It was impressive how many people have attended, many presentations had the rooms jam-packed, with more people in the audience than seats available:
fosdem 2010

Being there with two groups, one night I partied with the Mozilla people (food, drinks, bowling and laser tag):
fosdem 2010

fosdem 2010

And the other with my Fedora friends (food, drinks, jokes, photography)
fosdem 2010

fosdem 2010

I don't know from which project they were, but some people seems they had partier even harder than us:
fosdem 2010

It was not all fun, jokes and trying to impress girls:
fosdem 2010 fosdem 2010

I even managed to get some work done (if you can call that work):
fosdem 2010


  1. Wow, if I knew you were there I would've said hi. I'm a huge OpenSource enthusiast myself:
    http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/photos/fosdem2010/043-img_8243.jpg (I'm the guy with the dark blue shirt at the very left of the photo).

    Anyway, keep up the good work with OCAL! :)

  2. Hi Tobias, nice to meet you! To bad we didn't get to talk in Brussels... maybe we'll met again.
