31 August 2005
Traducere OpenOffice.org
Contray to my habit, this post is in Romanian language as it is addressed to Romanian readers, the subject being translation of OOo
Un grup de traducatori coordonat de Dan Damian, localizat la Politehnica din Timisoara si avind deja experienta traducerii GNOME (care e aproape 100% completa) se va apuca de interfata OpenOffice.org, avind ca punct de pornire proaspata versiune Beta2.
Pentru inceput, simbata 3 septembrie incepind cu ora 11 va avea loc un maraton de traducere in sala 107 a Politehnicii din Timisoara. Din cite am inteles, se poate lucra si remote, deci poate participa oricine, nu numai timisorenii.
Resurse suplimentare:
Dan spune ca informatii suplimentare se gasesc pe wiki.
Lista de mail romaneasca pentru dezvoltare OOo este dev@ro.openoffice.org.
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: openoffice
24 August 2005
naked comix
As I can't comment to Gerald's post without registering to tribe.net, will reply here:
Excelent link Gerald, thank you!
This one is the same concept with the French KiSS game I talked about recently.
As a side note, it would be useful if I had it back a few weeks when we had that huge flame on what is suitable for OCAL.
Posted by
1:08 PM
This is not a logo, move away citizen
I find really dumb the idea to have a project named Fedora and don't allow the usage of a fedora as a logo for the project.
Unrelated, I made a page containind some hats (yes, all of them are fedoras).
Note: As you can see, those does not resemble in shape or color the trademarked Shadownam logo:
Posted by
12:19 PM
23 August 2005
OCAL 5K Continued
Considering the OCAL 5K initiative I talked about yesterday, I figured out is time to put my clipart where my mouth is: contribute some images.
But the time is short, my inspiration dry and wasn't able to find something simple yet attractive to make me work on it. After some thinking I got an idea: publish the elements form some older and unpublished works:
- from the Potato Guy I took the hats, smokes, mouths, one year and one tie
- from the game map I took the individual elements (which I intended anyway to submit sooner or later) and one yet unpublished separate graphic
- the Snowman was already published, but I intended for quite some time to take apart a couple of elements: the hat and the broom
The net result? 53 newly submitted images towards the 5k goal.
Posted by
2:30 PM
Labels: clipart
22 August 2005
18 August 2005
French KiSS
No, is not what do you think, is a practical use of the Clip Art concept in a Paper Dolls game, very similar with the Potato Guy, only in Anime style. (sometime it may also involve [soft] porn)
Of course, there are viewers for a lof of plaftorms, including Linux:
(I know this screenshot is ugly, from GNOME 1.x era)
03 August 2005
24 hours later
grep -c "pr0n" /var/log/httpd/access_log.nicu
Substracting 3 hits from my own machine, the result is 46, and this is 24 hours after posting the mesage.
I expected better results from a post featuring a [Click here for pr0n] link.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: funny
02 August 2005
The submission system at Open Clip Art Library is abused from time to time will various inappropriate content: game screenshots, porn, desktop screenshots and other images. This had generated a couple of threads on our list on what to do with porn and what kind of nude images should be accepted and not.
I am sure every graphician has tried to draw such images but have not published them for various reasons: may be the low quality, the shame to acknowledge this in public, the source of inspiration or whatever else.
As I am human and graphician wannabe, of course I tried too, playing with the calligraphic lines on top of some pictures:
[Click here for pr0n]
I think from a moral or artistic point of view, these images are perfectly suitable for OCAL, but the originality is the problem: the original images are some random pictures from the internet, I don't have any rights on them (here is the place for another discuss, what "derivative" works means and where is the line).
Posted by
11:06 AM
01 August 2005
As I see on some aggregators, people are showing pictures of their thermometers or screenshots of the weather applet.
Like a monkey, I can't resist and copy them:
And a whole week was just like that!
Posted by
4:28 PM

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