Diagraming with Inkscape
Inkscape is really cool for creating diagrams like this:

Full size SVG source available on my Fedora artwork page.
a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
Inkscape is really cool for creating diagrams like this:
With a little experience, is easy to fake a 3D look with Inkscape:
Lately i got in a frenzy of drawing game marbles with Inkscape so i couldn't stop drawing some easter eggs, which are pretty much a special case of those marbles (just shapes as an ovoid).
This seems logical, as today is the traditional day for painting eggs for easter, but not so logical considering i am definitely an atheist.
My only excuse: i will enjoy this upcoming 3 days week-end and the traditional festive meals (but still feeling a little dirty for exposing those religious symbols).
I wonder how appropriate is to use themes for the games in GNOME to "promote" a distro. I was told by someone to send such themes upstream.
Now, if i would be the upstream maintainer, i would feel the need to be distro-impartial and reject such contributions, this is why i am reluctant to propose those upstream.
But i, as a theme creator, i am not sure creating such themes in the first place is a god idea, still weighting it. Opinions?
Anyway, just for fun, i did such a theme:
Quoting Netcraft about the new launched Open Source Domain Parking Service:
The project's goals are to increase the market share for open source software and generate revenue from advertising on the parked domains, which will be used to fund "political and promotional efforts" on behalf of open source software.
Posted by
2:16 PM
Labels: graphics, openoffice, website
So Caolan asked for a pink (OMG PONIES) Gnome wallpaper.
A Fedora one is good enough? (I quickly adapted a blue one from my collection).
I was surprised seeing a Google search will return my Fedora wallpapers page as the third result in about one million entries.
Here is a Bluecurve palette for use in Inkscape and Gimp.
Posted by
9:23 AM
I previously talked about this: Microsoft has stated that the company will support the OpenDocument format in MS Office if there is customer demand. So the OpenDocument Fellowship started a petition to show this demand is real. This just reached a significant milestone: over 10.000 signatures, representing over 277.000 computers.
You can sign it too!
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: freedom, openoffice