This morning when going to work I somehow noticed (I usually don't look for such things) this small poster glued on the wall of a building close to my office (less than 50 meters away):

Noting out of the extraordinary, some small firm advertising for pet services, but what drew my attention was the drawing in the top-right corner with a dog head. It was looking familiar, as it is one of my drawings published at the
Open Clip Art Library and it made my day!
I made it years ago, exercising original drawing made with the mouse, so the result is not great, but I submitted it to
the library anyway, as I do with all my drawings which are not made for a specific project. And I found awesome how a little graphic contributed to an international project found its way back to a few meters away of me. Either the world is very small or what we are doing is really useful for the people.
Now to be honest, I can't say for sure if the image is taken from, from my
own website, where the images are also available, or from one of the many other websites redistributing, grace to the PD dedication, the content. But this is irrelevant, the goal was achieved.
PS: is not wise to base your company logo on Public Domain clipart, but for
very small companies this is not a real problem, they don't have real branding.