I just got a nice holidays present: learned about MemoriSolitaire, "a solitaire card game where you use your memory to gain advantage", which is the first known use of my playing cards.
a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
I just got a nice holidays present: learned about MemoriSolitaire, "a solitaire card game where you use your memory to gain advantage", which is the first known use of my playing cards.
The latest Fedora Reloaded Podcast features an interview with Andy Fitzsimon, well known for his work on Inkscape and OCAL.
Andy is working on a Free font (probably to be released under LGPL) for the Fedora Project. The font is intended to be used on documentation, posters, flyers etc.
At the end an the interview, the Libre Graphics Meeting is mentioned - Andy will give there a demonstration on using Inkscape and GIMP.
Posted by
10:41 AM
go4it is a magazine with very little content: advertising for gadgets and pictures of babes holding those gadgets.
Posted by
10:40 AM
Labels: openoffice
Bryce talks about the classic subject of Importance of Cross Platform OSS Applications, i will not argue for or against, just make one small nitpick:
our measurements showed more Windows-based Inkscape users than Linux ones
Posted by
11:56 AM
Labels: inkscape
Yup, Xmas is coming and it looks like Open Clip Art Library will skip yet another release.
But I'm bored and what to do? Of course, some Xmas themed Pin-ups!
The first one was made a couple of days ago:
Posted by
5:11 PM
We have a sort of competition hosted at deviantART: the purpose is to get a calendar with images made with Inkscape.
Come and join the contest, is not that hard to win, as a year have 12 months so we will need 12 "winners".
Unfortunately, the time available is short, as we want to promote the calendar as a gift for the upcoming holidays, so the ending date is Monday 12.
Posted by
11:09 AM
My picture just got published in a magazine - MyLINUX, so I purchased this morning one to show it to my mom :p
I had a surprise opening it: an announcement saying the magazine will be published in the future only in PDF format on the CD-ROM of their other magazines (MyComputer, PCGames and CDForum). So practically, the magazine is dead.
I wonder if it was bad karma for them to publish my picture in the magazine or a Linux magazine is not a viable business in Romania.
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: linux, openoffice, personal, photo
OSDL has published the results of their Linux desktop survey.
Posted by
11:38 AM
Open Source games sucks. People argue this is because Open Source people are mostly developers, not artists and because artists are not very much into free sharing of their work.
I think the Open Clip Art Library proves this wrong: we showed is possible to get in less than two years over 10.000 images from several hundreds of people, producing something which is included in many FOSS and commercial projects. But we were not able to get enough developers doing a half-decent CMS for the website.
The upcoming release look like a bad milestone: over 10% of the submitted SVG files were damaged by the upload scripts. A bug reported a few days ago prevent uploading of zip archives (this stopped Gerald from submitting his set of 1400 images). All of this happens after we skipped a release because of security problems on our website. And we still don't have a plan on implementing features promised over than one year ago.
I wonder how many contributors or possible contributors were lost because of our broken website and what is our real potential, double, triple, more?
I have not made many new images from the last release (something around 80 files) but because of the brokenness, don't feel very motivated to create more or even submit them. Yes, I am a bit disappointed for the moment.
Posted by
9:10 AM
To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by
3:04 PM
I guess I just let myself carried by a joke made by Joshua Wulf:
Posted by
3:45 PM
An online petition for Microsoft to support OpenDocument was launched today by the OpenDocument Fellowship. Microsoft has stated that the company will support the OpenDocument format in MS Office if there is customer demand. This petition will demonstrate that customer demand already exists.
The OpenDocument Fellowship, a volunteer organisation with members around the world, calls on everyone who uses MS Office, or who has an interest in open standards, to sign the petition at
The petition, available in several languages, states:
"I request that Microsoft fully support the OASIS (Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) OpenDocument Format for Office Applications in its MS Office product. This should include the ability to read, edit and write OpenDocument files reliably, according to the format specification."
OpenDocument (short for OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications) is:
Posted by
9:55 AM
Labels: freedom, openoffice
MyLINUX has published on their website a picture from LOAD with me giving the presentation about 2.0
Posted by
9:41 AM
Linux Open Alternative Days is a business oriented conference and I was invited to keep a presentation on Obviously, the subject was the classic "What is new in OOo 2.o" with a touch on the Romanian Native Language Project.
My slides are in Romanian language and available here.
And a picture of the conference room:
Posted by
8:08 PM
Labels: linux, openoffice, personal, photo
Have a look of this:
Posted by
1:22 PM
Labels: graphics, openoffice
I am trying to understand what is this Tango Desktop Project, beside the claim of "exists to create a consistent user experience for free and Open Source software with graphical user interfaces".
The Icon Theme Guidelines look like a fork of the GNOME HIG but using instead a very bright look for icons, it reminds me of KDE.
Beside the talk about all Open Source GUI applications, of GNOME, KDE and Mozilla, the people behind it are exclusively GNOME people from Novell.
Maybe I am mistaken, but it looks to me pretty much as a HIG fork, as adopting it by GNOME would obsolete its own guidelines.
Posted by
1:29 PM
I need some business cards, as I will keep next week a presentation at a Linux conference. So designed a nice one in Inkscape and experimented with some export options.
The next step was to search for a print shop to make them.
Print Shop 1, a little pricey, varying from .25 to .50 RON (about 0.07 - 0.14 EUR) each, depending on the amount of colour used. It was like this:
- What file formats do you accept?
- Any Corel up to version 12
- Anything else? EPS? PDF?
- We don't work with EPS, PDF yes, if you do the entire A4 paper, but we will not be able to edit it or adjust colours.
- OK, I will not need adjustments, but you will accept bitmaps?
- Sure, but we will not be able to edit it or adjust colours.
- Fair enough, what dpi?
- Anything more than 72 dpi
- OK, will do 600 dpi
Print Shop 2, a seriously cheaper one: .18 EUR
- What file formats do you accept?
- Corel
- Anything else? EPS? PDF?
- No, only Corel
- F*ck you very much
I don't have much time to search for other options, so I guess will go with Print Shop 1.
Another step will be do design a t-shirt (with OCAL to wear at the same conference) and to find a shop where to print it. I expect it to be more trouble some, as I want to use a non rectangular shape and maybe some gradients (at a second thought, maybe without gradients). I suspect here PNG is the only option.
All this experience reminded me of another one, about one year ago, when I had to do a brochure for my job. Then the print guy (our company is a regular customer of him) was a little more enlightened: he used both Illustrator and Corel (with a preference for Corel) and, as a big surprise for me, was a user, preferring it to MSO because "it work better with tables". But from our discuss I learned he never heard of PNG before. SVG, W3C? Obviously, he knew even less about those. (Is possible to know less than nothing about something?)
Posted by
6:45 PM
Labels: freedom, graphics, openoffice
Take this with a grain of salt, as the test is taylored for people in US:
You are a Social Liberal (73% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (26% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
Posted by
8:44 PM
So if both Alan and Bryce talk about Open Source/Linux games, can I stop myself trowing two cents on the debate?
In my opinion, the main problem is the barrier to entry. It is too high.
And the second problem is the desire to make games comparable with the latest commercial production. And too many 3D shooters.What I would like to have in Linux is a tool comparable with RPG Maker 2000 with a free license. This would allow easy creation of fun and simple games and if the game creation tool is free is also possible the games will be free (a lot of games made with RPG Maker 2000 are freeware).
From a few minutes of looking at RM2K my conclusion is that it represent a wonderful tool. I have one single complaint: the controls are very dumb, in the style of game consoles, this is wrong, a PC game should be controlled like a PC game, with mouse and keyboard not with cursor keys and A, S, D. Also, the menus system and all dialogs are very dumb, console style, implemented.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: games
This morning in my way to the office noticed a new edition of the MyLINUX magazine featuring Inkscape on the front cover (they contacted us some weeks ago requesting screenshots):
Posted by
9:00 AM
I expected a larger number of replies, but the result (after over 24 hours), with a score of 5:1 is:
Posted by
4:35 PM
This morning, on the way to work I had the sensation I'm trapped inside an old platform game:
Posted by
9:18 AM
Let's do a quick vote, what do you like more:
3. none of the above, both of them suck!
Posted by
4:13 PM
Citing from this bullshit article:
There are uncomfortable similarities between the OSS development process and the situation that arose in the computer games industry in the early 1980s, where legions of 'bedroom programmers' produced video console games of such poor quality that, despite selling in tens of thousands, they nearly destroyed the industry.
The games industry learned a valuable lesson from this experience and is now arguably the most highly trained and disciplined software development community in the world. This professionalism in software development is cited as a major contributory factor to the explosive growth that the computer games industry has enjoyed over the last 10 years.
Posted by
12:37 PM
Labels: games
Let see what are the results of searching the newly released Google Blog Search for the Open Clip Art Library.
Posted by
12:24 PM
Labels: clipart
Bryce talk about Granny Linux listing as requirements:
First, the interface should be extremely stripped down. Granny Linux users are the polar opposite of the traditional Linux user - choice is bad. They probably only use about 4-6 applications, so there should be no other options beyond those, plus a button to turn off the computer, and a magnifying glass button. Firefox, one or two apps from Open Office, and a couple games. That's it.
Well, judging after the screenshots (I had not used it), Symphony OS look like fitting the bill.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Labels: linux
So, if Rejon revealed it, I guess I'll have to put the picture here:
Posted by
9:04 AM
Amazing what people submit instead of clipart: desktop screenshots, photos, game screenshots, porn and so on. I guess the most offtopic so far is rap song lyrics.
To top that, the text is in Dutch and saved as Microsoft Word .doc.
Can something get more offtopic than this?
Posted by
12:56 PM
We just started the translation of OOo UI under the coordination of Dan Damian and a team experienced in the translation of GNOME.
As a first step we had Saturday 3 September a translation marathon at the "Politehnica" University in Timisoara. At the event participated 5 people on site and another 4 remote.
We succeeded in translating in one single day (11 to 20 hour) around 3300 strings, which represent in Dan's estimation about 15% of the entire UI. Additional statistics are available (in Romanian language).
The translation will continue with individual work but probably also with other future marathons, with coordination provided on the wiki and our project mailing list
I address warm thank you for all the participants and I'm looking forward for great accomplishments.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: openoffice
This is my screenshot of Greg's Clipart Browser, made as a Google SoC project:
Posted by
4:52 PM
Labels: clipart
Contray to my habit, this post is in Romanian language as it is addressed to Romanian readers, the subject being translation of OOo
Un grup de traducatori coordonat de Dan Damian, localizat la Politehnica din Timisoara si avind deja experienta traducerii GNOME (care e aproape 100% completa) se va apuca de interfata, avind ca punct de pornire proaspata versiune Beta2.
Pentru inceput, simbata 3 septembrie incepind cu ora 11 va avea loc un maraton de traducere in sala 107 a Politehnicii din Timisoara. Din cite am inteles, se poate lucra si remote, deci poate participa oricine, nu numai timisorenii.
Resurse suplimentare:
Dan spune ca informatii suplimentare se gasesc pe wiki.
Lista de mail romaneasca pentru dezvoltare OOo este
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: openoffice
As I can't comment to Gerald's post without registering to, will reply here:
Excelent link Gerald, thank you!
This one is the same concept with the French KiSS game I talked about recently.
As a side note, it would be useful if I had it back a few weeks when we had that huge flame on what is suitable for OCAL.
Posted by
1:08 PM
I find really dumb the idea to have a project named Fedora and don't allow the usage of a fedora as a logo for the project.
Unrelated, I made a page containind some hats (yes, all of them are fedoras).
Note: As you can see, those does not resemble in shape or color the trademarked Shadownam logo:
Posted by
12:19 PM
Considering the OCAL 5K initiative I talked about yesterday, I figured out is time to put my clipart where my mouth is: contribute some images.
But the time is short, my inspiration dry and wasn't able to find something simple yet attractive to make me work on it. After some thinking I got an idea: publish the elements form some older and unpublished works:
Posted by
2:30 PM
Labels: clipart
No, is not what do you think, is a practical use of the Clip Art concept in a Paper Dolls game, very similar with the Potato Guy, only in Anime style. (sometime it may also involve [soft] porn)
Of course, there are viewers for a lof of plaftorms, including Linux:
(I know this screenshot is ugly, from GNOME 1.x era)
grep -c "pr0n" /var/log/httpd/access_log.nicu
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: funny
The submission system at Open Clip Art Library is abused from time to time will various inappropriate content: game screenshots, porn, desktop screenshots and other images. This had generated a couple of threads on our list on what to do with porn and what kind of nude images should be accepted and not.
I am sure every graphician has tried to draw such images but have not published them for various reasons: may be the low quality, the shame to acknowledge this in public, the source of inspiration or whatever else.
As I am human and graphician wannabe, of course I tried too, playing with the calligraphic lines on top of some pictures:
[Click here for pr0n]
I think from a moral or artistic point of view, these images are perfectly suitable for OCAL, but the originality is the problem: the original images are some random pictures from the internet, I don't have any rights on them (here is the place for another discuss, what "derivative" works means and where is the line).
Posted by
11:06 AM
As I see on some aggregators, people are showing pictures of their thermometers or screenshots of the weather applet.
Like a monkey, I can't resist and copy them:
And a whole week was just like that!
Posted by
4:28 PM
A recent article by John C. Dvorak criticize the Creative Commons licenses.
His attack on Creative Commons Public Domain is the perfect example why he is completely off-track here:
When you see its licenses the wording will say something like "Creative Commons License: Public domain." This means that the item is not covered by copyright but is in the public domain. So what's Creative Commons got to do with it? Public domain is public domain. It's not something granted by Creative Commons. Yet you see this over and over as if it were!
Dedicator recognizes that, once placed in the public domain, the Work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or conceived.
Posted by
1:24 PM
SeaMonkey (the former Mozilla Suite) is looking for a new graphic desing/logo.
The funniest proposal I saw so far is this (posted by someone named yamal):
PS: If you don't get the joke, here is a hint.
Posted by
9:15 AM
Labels: firefox
As the front page says: "OOoAuthors is the development site for documentation".
It received a new graphic style, influenced greatly by Wikipedia. The main purpose was to get a front page which is not English centric and give equal weight to all languages supported.
The graphics are made from my drawings, but this is not surprising, as the previous ones were also mine.
Inside the site, the Romanian section contain a lot of user guides translated by ghrt (I assumed mostly the reviewer role in this activity). When finished, all tis translated documentation will be available for end users on the Romanian Native Language Project.
My activity as an author here is very limited: a couple of drawing tutorials in the English section, and a few edits.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Labels: openoffice
Do you remember my earlier Potato Head generator?
Today I found one of my friends, which is a CS student used images from it to make a Hangman game for one exam (Web Programming). I was almost thrilled by this.
As you can easily see (from the bad dithering of a gif version or the layout of the page), she is a newbie, but the really bat thing is the page does not work on Mozilla, because on specific JavaScript she used. She got a 10 for this, but if I was the professor, I would not give even a 5.
When I complained the page does not works, the reply was candid "Try it in another browser, I tested it in Internet Explorer and Opera".
Sorry, dtinad, no cake for you today! You still have to learn what all this Word Wide Web is about, and program to the standards, not to a specific monopolist browser.
And be assured I will not link from my blog to such a broken page.
Also today and also about the Potato Head, Alan reminded me about GCompris.
Thanks Alan, I remember them, they were one of the first users of my images published on the Open Clip Art Library.
But I should witness I am a kind of zealot, if it is not a GNOME program probably I will not use it, so is not a very attractive target for me.
It appears we won:
"After years of struggle, the European Parliament finally rejected the
software patent directive with 648 of 680 votes: A strong signal
against patents on software logic, a sign of lost faith in the
European Union and a clear request for the European Patent Office
(EPO) to change its policy: the EPO must stop issuing software patents
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: freedom
Holly Crap! My eyes! It burns!
Be warned and do NOT click on it.
Update: the image is not anymore there
Posted by
1:57 PM
I guess Alan's feelings for Gnome CD Player are really strong: in half of one single post he manage to use the Gnome CD Player words no less than 20 times!
Alan, you are wrong saying "Evince is the PDF Viewer for Gnome", it is a document viewer for multiple document formats, which happens to be the default viewer for PDFs in Gnome. Its intention as a general purpose reader is (IMO) demonstrated by the recent efforts to make it read also PowerPoint files.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: gnome
I had a look in the incoming section of OCAL and expect the following release (the next week probably we will start to talk about it) to be a great one: we have as usual a large number of images from a lot of people but also some big and wonderful sets by Gerald like: diner menu collection, sailing illustrations and r15 of general.
On top of that the total number of the images will be increased by my cards collections (encouraged by Benji I uploaded all four decks).
If we make sure the two icon sets not validated last month will be included, this release will be huge.
PS: Of course, the incoming section contains some bad things, one example being woman_joao_01.jpg, which looks to me like a caveman style piece of art, but I know that image will not pass validation.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Following an advice on blog comments from Karl, changed the figures from serif to sans serif to match the font.
The package landed on OCAL (for now in incoming) - note to self: to be careful at the end of the month for the correct package (02) to be included in the release.
Also made a page on my website for the cards.
It was an interesting experience to develop the set on the blog, with people giving feedback at every step. Benji tried something similar with the Tribal font, but I guess my cards had more "eye candy" and as a consequence the feedback was greater.
Posted by
4:35 PM
Public question: this style is worth pursuing and using it instead of what I made yesterday?
Update: All four faces (the feedback was positive). Color variations will be used to generate each specific card.
Update: My blog became aggregated also by Planet linux360. I hope their readers will not be very annoyed by my graphic-heavy posts from the last days.
I am sure not everybody will like those faces (I am not very happy myself) but the cards will be hopefully part of the next release of the Open Clip Art Library, with a full Public Domain license, so anybody will be free to improve them.
Posted by
6:19 PM
Indeed, a coward I am: i got the idea that drawing the faces for the playing cards deck will be the hard part, so I do anything to delay it. The last thing was to do some backs:
Posted by
11:44 AM