I am in total awe seeing what a great artist can do with Inkscape:

Yes, is vector drawing, not a photo and is not easy to create something like it:

For the moment I feel humbled :p
a bit about Free software, a bit about graphics, a bit about design, a bit about photography, a bit about gadgets, a bit about life and many more
I am in total awe seeing what a great artist can do with Inkscape:
I strongly believe publishing something on the web involves commitment: you put the content online and have to stand by it, do not ever delete it, or if you must delete, then replace with redirects: deletion will break pages, links, references and cause problems to people who relied on you. Nothing is worse than erasing history.
So happened when, for unknown reasons, Yahoo deleted my flickr account, now even the embedded do not work any more, leading to a large scale breakage: my photography blog, which used flickr as an image source, is ruined, the large amount of work needed to fix it will incapacitate me for a good while. For this blog I think I may have to live with the breakage: trying to fix some old articles will confuse a number of aggregators. But the works part is, it break an unknown number of pages who used my content as intended, under CC-BY-SA, and break the legal ground of this use with the disappearance of the canonical source - and I feel really bad about this, by having no way to help those people, I feel like letting them down.
In an age when a lot of people are moving towards externally hosted services, I get myself traumatised by this experience and going to the opposite: what you have in your hand is holly, you can control and rely on it. All hosted services have a TOS allowing to remove your content at will. Do not depend on them for anything mission-critical.
But let's change the tone, look here:
Next week, together with an Ubuntu guy, I am going to a national television (TVR), we will be filming some general stuff about Linux which is going to de diffused on one of its channels. From the preliminary conversation, I understand they will record in HD, directly from the computer screen, so my only laptop, a netbook, is not up to the task (the requirement is an LCD with at least 1200x960), so my best chance is to use Live media. OK, Live media is one of Fedora's strong points, apparently no problem with that.
Today I got a bit carried away and got an idea: the F12 Alpha was just released, with tons of greatness, let see how it works on my Eee, maybe I can use it for demos, a little risky (I would carry also a F11 with me), but let see what is about. Well, the result is embarrassing, take the Graphics menu as an example:
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: fedora, linux, Romania, software-liber
For quite a while I was searching for a self-hosted solution for my photo gallery, willing to move away from Flickr (which I still think is the best gallery from a technical point of view, too bad about its other downsides). Well, the Yahoo guys just gave me the final impulse for the switch by deleting my flickr account (don't know why, I received no warning about that, my suspicion in linked to a photo where I was criticising their recent deal with Microsoft).
I tried but really do not like the layout of other image hosting services like Picasaweb of SmugMug, I find them bad, ugly and too expensive but since I already have my own hosting solution with plenty of disk space and bandwidth and also don't care about the social network side of those services, a self-hosted gallery seems the optimal choice. The problem is, none of the existing solutions makes me happy.
After trying a number of existing solutions (I am too lazy and too busy to write my own), I am inclined to give phpGraphy a try:
Posted by
3:08 PM
Labels: art, graphics, linux, personal, photo, software-liber, website
My camera was put to take 10 frames, I found the result funny and sharing-worthy: is a challenge when you take a group photo and want to get yourself in the frame - press the shutter and run! If there are more than one photographer, "behind the scene" images are guaranteed :D (a short animation made with GIMP was a must)
Posted by
10:33 AM
I can be sympathetic with someone arguing GIMP is not good enough for him due to the lack of CMYK support (I was bitten recently when exceptionally had to print some stuff), I can understand a photographer needing more than 8 bit color channels, I can see why adjustment layers can make your life easier, I can contemplate the [legal] impossibility to have Pantone colors and so on.... But when a self-called designer and self-called user of both Photoshop and GIMP criticise GIMP's interface and usability serving as "proof" his need to search for 2 hours (!!!) to find the Crop function, then my bullshitometer alert is reaching record levels.
Posted by
4:45 PM
The power of the community is amazing: no money, no sponsors, no corporate baking but this year's FLOSSCamp was a success (so I think): almost 50 people (only 41 in the group photo, but some were too shy or sleeping ...patches needed), a large number of tents, plenty of food and drinks, good talks. Everything was organized by the power of local communities.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Labels: fedora, freedom, life, linux, photo, Romania, software-liber
After a number of good looking re-design mockups for the Fedora front page featured a cute panda drawing, a passionate debate heated: some people are in love with the cute critter and others are offended to be associated with something warm, fuzzy and lovable. I say: resistance is futile, here are some evidence:
Already Panda iz in ur computer, developing Fedora (along with his sidekick Hello Kitty, but unfortunately HK is not, and can't ever be, our trademark):
Posted by
9:56 AM
Labels: fedora, freedom, life, linux, Romania, software-liber
Like in any other community, we also have in the Fedora some self centered ******** who can ruin your day and sometime, depending on their position and stubborness, arguing may be completely counter-productive. Then it may be useful to take a break: there are so many interesting things to do and so many nice people to spend time with... So I figured out it may be useful and relaxing to write down the things I talked about a couple ago at the photography workshop.
In collaboration with Ceata I started a new project, a photography workshop (if people show interest, we may add some for graphics, GIMP/Inkscape) and yesterday evening was our first meeting, trying to take advantage of the golden our. There were only five of us present but this is not necessarily a bad thing: there is room to grow.
We went on the nearby university campus (PUB) where I bored the audience talking a bit about light, flash lights and white balance and then passed a couple of cameras (my SLR and a 'Super Zoom') from hand to hand and everybody got to take pictures.
In my opinion it was a bit chaotic and my talk a bit too long but at the end they showed enthusiasm and promised to come to a second edition. I guess the time will tell...
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: art, graphics, photo, Romania, software-liber