So the previous episode ended with LGM just starting... here's what happened later for the point of view of our small gang: Pierros made himself useful by drawing info notes:

I joked he's doing t to impress the girls, but he was setted on work, repairing wireless router and such, until he became
almost a member of the staff, complete with the uniform.

It should be mentioned the official lunch, good to bring together the people and make them talk easier.

Finally, late in the afternoon it came our time to bring Fedora in the spotlight - too see how insightful we where, check the
slides - the talk was delivered by
Martin while Pierros was doing photos and me and I hope e weren't
entirely bad (hopefully, you will se it next week, after I get to edit the video).

And of course I was crazy enough to edit the slides 10 minutes before the presentation to ad a
silly picture. We are all crazy.
After the conference day ended, it was natural for us to grab some fries:

And then end the night as it is supposed to be, with hard beers at Delirium.

Let'see what new adventures will be brought ahead us...
PS: don't blame me for the incoherence, grammar or bad stile... try you first to write a professional after that much beer and at this hour in the night :