13 May 2015

FREE Firefox?

Let's assume one is a "normal" Firefox user, so based on Windows and with no knowledge about using directly the mirrors (or without intimate knowledge of obscure acronyms). And let's assume the same person wants a FREE web browser, one with no binary blobs, with source available and not blocking the content from its user.

The challenge is, going from the Firefox start page, find a way to download the FREE version, without using external websites (so no Google search).

free firefox 38

Answer: Expand the menu thingy at the top, then go to the About page, then to the blog and find there an apologising post with a deep-buried link inside.


  1. "normal" Firefox user... no knowledge about using directly the mirrors ... or ... intimate acronyms... wants a FREE ... no binary blobs, with source ... not blocking the content.

    Intersection of all that is 0 users :)

    1. only because they didn't had the chance to learn what it means
