09 January 2007

Dracula's Castle - kind of

Now as everybody is talking about Dracula's Castle being up for sale, maybe is time for me to post a picture from my last trip there:

Bran (Dracula's) Castle

Yeah, the picure quality suck, it was made years ago with a crappy camera. Probably the new owner will not demolish it, so I can take a better picute any time.

Or maybe I should get motivated enough and get to the real Dracula's castle and take some photos there (not anytime soon).


  1. [...]is talking about Dracula's Catle being[/...]
    should be
    [...]is talking about Dracula's Csatle being[/...]

    poti sterge comentariul asta :)

  2. Iar in alta parte scrisesem Catsle (am vazut si am modificat singur dincolo), parca degetele mele refuzau sa scrie corect "Castle".

    Merci de observatie

  3. Fara intentie, am facut si eu typo, deci nici degetele mele nu sunt prea bune cand vine vorba de Dracula. :)
