05 October 2009

Brasero FAIL

I am usually happy with Brasero, use it all the time and is good enough for the majority of the tasks. Until I get to something like the case below:


FAIL one: my disc, my hardware, there is no reason I am denied to copy the bits. And it should not matter the disc is region encoded to US, I want to copy, not play it. And WTF? Plugins? there is no such thing for Brasero.

FAIL two: big size, it cannot be copied to a nomal (4.7GB) disk. More operations are needed.

My quickest solution: use DVDShrink (it works relatively well with Wine), recompress to an usable file size, drop CSS, drop other unwanted things and then use Brasero to burn it. Now I have an acceptable backup of the disk (a cartoon which got dangerously scratched by being used a lot by a child).


  1. You can use K9copy as a native (well, non-WINE; it's KDE, so not entirely native under your GNOME) equivalent to DVDShrink. You'll need libdvdcss for that to work though. Quite possibly that's also the "plugin" Brasero is trying to refer to, they avoid calling it by name to avoid contributory infringement claims.

  2. The dumbness is to call "plugin" a library and I suspect it may be also due to Macrovision.

    Next time I will give K9copy a try

  3. ah, Kevin, thanks to your hint I found DVD95 which is a GNOME app for the same task.

  4. you forgot to mention, each disk copy protection required to do some special actions with compact disk to make correct dupe. copying disk without this actions can make copy unusable.

  5. @axet: yeah, good thing DVDShrink can take care of that too... will have to look about it in K9copy/DVD95

  6. Just out of curiosity, what is Xfburn saying about the same DVD?

  7. @Béranger: unfortunately I don't have the disk any more, I don't use such things personally, it was a request by a friend who can be bothered to learn about such "esoteric" computer stuff like burning a disk.
