24 May 2009

eLiberatica day #2

The second day of the eLiberatica conference was quieter, with a lot less visitors, probably because it was a Saturday and the students preferred to stay away from the university, but it still was a fun day, we talked with people and gave CDs and business cards. We had also more time to interact with the other communities present at the event.

eLiberatica 2009: warming the booths
early in the morning, warming-up the booth

I was still busy, even did some serious work (helped the guys from Ceata with a simplified version of their logo, my first try was a bit too busy), so I didn't took as many photos as intended, but the other guys roamed around with my camera and captured a lot of things.

eLiberatica 2009: visitors eLiberatica 2009: nice crowd eLiberatica 2009: visitors eLiberatica 2009: Rsandu charming girls eLiberatica 2009: THIS is a successful conference...

eLiberatica 2009: crowd eLiberatica 2009: Mozilla!!! eLiberatica 2009: the girls of Mozilla-ro eLiberatica 2009: Mozilla!!! eLiberatica 2009: nice crowd
this is how a FOSS conference is supposed to be...

At the end of the day, we all went to a large hall (the Rectorate) for a party (food, drinks, music, dance) and more friendly talks and the conference ended (we were tired and didn't go to the late-night party at some restaurant).

eLiberatica 2009: talks
Fedora + Mozilla

I will follow later with a couple more posts: conclusions, funny stuff...


  1. Sorry, but the description of some photos (mainly of women) = in poor taste.

  2. Actually, it was a Saturday. Lost track of time? :)

  3. Ops! my bad, indeed it was a Saturday :D

  4. I have to agree with Anonymous here. You don't seem to realize that these types of comments that make women feel unwelcome at FOSS conferences.
