22 May 2009

Preamble to eLiberatica

On-location report, directly from eLiberatica: those conferences have a less known part about which people not talk that much, so I'll break the silence. The night before the guest have to get a contact with the city:

<eLiberatica 2009: dinner before

And this contact is fun when it begins with a couple of palinca shots, continue with an unknown number of tequilas (I believe not even the waiter counted them...), everything washed with beers.

eLiberatica 2009: tequila shots

Next morning the first thing to do is to take care of the desolated booth and bring it to a presentable state:

eLiberatica 2009: bare booth

Then take your place to the both and try to be as sexy as you can:

eLiberatica 2009: fedora booth eLiberatica 2009: Fedora booth


  1. That guy on the right side of the last image has way to many fedora stickers on his laptop. And where are the lovely girls?

  2. What are those "girls" things you are talking about? This is Linux....

    Jokes aside, the girl at the Mozilla booth is really cute...

  3. Really nice booth babes! ;)
    Yeah, we have a booth at eLiberatica!!!
