Bill Gates in Romania and more tutorials to come
A new tutorial under way
I said the other day that I am bummed by a less-than-expected reaction to my previous GIMP tutorial, but it seems I can't stop making more. At least as long as I still have raw materials (I have fresh pictures only for a couple more tutorials).
I have a new one underway (previewed here) about how to make jigsaw puzzle pieces from a photo. The work is more than half done: the image is ready, screenshots are taken, I have only to polish the screenshots, write the text, make the html and put it on the server. It will be another heavy tutorial (20 screenshots), so I have to put the pictures again is an external storage (picassaweb), as my current hosting can't deal with it (note to self: I really should change my hosting solution soon). I hope to have the tutorial online by Friday, just in time for the week-end.
Bill Gates in Romania
This usually should be a non-event, but is sickening to see all the press (newspapers, radio, TV) praising "the first visit in Romania of the richest man in the world", just like a few years ago at the first visit of the Pope.
The authorities react at about the same level: they finally removed the Christmas/New Year lights from the city center only to replace them with Windows Vista lighting logos. Yeah, the national sport around here seems to be kissing a$$.
He will open a support center, will celebrate 10 years of Microsoft presence in Romania and will launch MS Vista, MS Office 2007 and MS Exchange Server 2007.
I have no penguin costume and I am not aware of any flashmob organized for this opportunity, so the best thing I can think of doing was to update an old drawing of mine with the Vista logo and put it on my blog in celebration: