26 September 2008

Inkscape howto: Drawing the webcomic titles

So the time for the so called "surprise" is now: a basic tutorial about how I do and how I should do the cartoon titles for my Fedora Weekly Webcomic (the tutorial is structured in two parts).

I had it in mind for a ling time and used it as a backup option in the case I have to give a public talk about FLOSS graphics and I don't have anything better to talk about. Time passed, I have not used it and no other talk is planned any time soon so probably it is a good idea to put it out now. Which may be useful from another point of view: there are rumours about some possible "competing" webcomics based on my building blocks, so leveling the playing field more should be good for everyone.

This is the end result (again, presented in two ways, both with an identical result) of the tutorial:

[webcomic cartoon title with inkscape

[Read More]

25 September 2008

Fedora Weekly Webcomic: The Way of the Ninja

The other day I said I will not do a webcomic special for Fedora's birthday and just move this week issue one day in advance and today will go with a surprise instead.

Well, I changed my mind and have to postpone the surprise one more day: being not very happy with the joke and having a [I think] better one, I decided to have today the regular webcomic: this time funnier (IMO), anchored in reality, more elaborated (two new characters) and more violent (so if you can stand some blood in a webcomic, stop reading RIGHT NOW). Of course, nothing is perfect, the downside it that this new one is also "more niche", so it may need background info, otherwise generating only a blank stare. But enough...

[fedora webcomic: the way of the ninja]

24 September 2008

Fedora Weekly Webcomic: Which desktop?

[5 years]As today is party day for Fedora's 5 years birthday, I had a dilemma: do a special edition of the webcomic or just move one time the publishing day from Thursday to Wednesday? I went with the later option as I expected to be very busy those days with not enough time for two webcomics.

If you are not entirely happy with today's issue, I have to reveal something: for tomorrow a webcomic-related goodie is scheduled!

[fedora weekly webcomic]

Happy birthday Fedora!

If you want to celebrate 5 years of Fedora, here are a few buttons of various size which you can use on your blogs:

[happy birthday fedora!] [happy birthday fedora!] [happy birthday fedora!] [happy birthday fedora!]

Note: if you want the source for a customized (translated?) version, just change the file name from .png to .svg

22 September 2008

The swan song of steampunk

No, I am not into some lame poetry, I just try to not fight losing battles...

The other day I thought that "Bucharest Days" (this miserable city we all love to hate has 549 years of attested history) is a good opportunity for a shooting session. While I was not that happy with what I found there, I did some photos with [what I consider to be] a "steampunk" feel, a good closure allowing me to go forward.

Photo gear Photo gear War stuff Antiques Irons Music player Old music player Old radio Music player Old telephone Old watches Oldies Oldies Old war stuff Oldies Bucuresci plate Old war stuff Oldies Old newspaper Oldies Old wrench Old stuff Ancient photo camera

Note: the set is larger, containing also medieval, traditional and modern stuff, the selection above is all about "steampunk".

18 September 2008

Fedora Weekly Webcomic: EULA

All is well that ends well, and it seems now we have a happy ending, but the situation was (IMO) quite ridiculous.

[fedora webcomic: eula]

11 September 2008

Fedora Weekly Webcomic: Large RPM Collider

The [self imposed] curse of my webcomic is its regularity: the same day of the week at the same hour (as much as I can). In consequence, some topics may be delayed a bit, so I have a choice: go with a subject a bit later and risk redundancy or avoid some subjects, going for a weaker replacement.
I hope I didn't make the wrong choice this week.

[fedora webcomic: collider]

10 September 2008

Prater, Vienna

Going back from the FUDCon, we (Adrian and me) had about one and a half hour to spend in Vienna and being in a boyish state of mind, what were we supposed to do? Stalk the passers? No, we found something else: visited the Prater amusement park.

Monday afternoon, some of the fares were closed and not many people were in the park, but we liked it:

Prater: Ferris Wheel Prater: Ferris Wheel Prater: Ferris Wheel Prater: top view Prater: the height Prater: top view Prater: Pony ride Prater: water ride Prater: ride Prater: horrors house Prater: posing with zombies Prater: spinning Prater: small wheel Prater: small wheel Prater: souvenir store

09 September 2008

Day 3 photos

Yesterday was travelling day for me (expect some photos from Prater, Vienna), so the bulk of photos from FUDCon Day 3 are a bit late...

First I want to thank Max, I was in doubt and he ultimately convinced me to go to Brno, for what it was a wonderful experience. Max, you are great!

Max and GDK at fudcon

I didn't took many photos at the conference, as it was all the same as in the previous days, maybe a bit quiet and with less people:

fudcon fudcon

After that, a group of us walked around the city (taking lots of photos):

fudcon fudcon

And ended, of course, in a pub, for the real conclusion of the FUDCon:


So, here is a centralisation of my photos: